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J.A. Blanchard's Blog

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So, I came to believe in God in recent years, and the only places of worship in this area are specifically to God, and Jesus. So, I told...

X-Stream (000001)

Tarot handles the canon. Felix Kostbarkeit is a red devil nine-year-old with black hair down to his knees; pointed ears; glowing, yellow...

X-Men (000001)

A 5' 1" woman of 100 lbs. is sitting on a patient table in a doctor's office, avoiding looking at the doctor. Her face is squarish, with...

Story: Bamfathon

A 1' 3", red devil with a squarish face, high cheekbones, and slits of eyes crawls through a bedroom door on the wall, and his tail...


I was given a rescue inhaler a while back for a wheeze. Now, I'm waiting for a real asthma medication prescription to come in. At first,...

Drop The Fan

So, I'm thinking... Maybe I should take my original characters for fan roleplays, and fanfiction... And, put them into an original...

Song: Reach

Reach in, and pull me out From deep within my shell. Learn what I'm about, And whether I'm well. I'm reaching out in chime. Save us on...

Song: Do You Sway?

Your dancing impresses me, And you're the sexiest I've seen. You know how to party, But which way do you lean? When you smile at me, What...

Song: Go To Hell

I'm beautiful, baby. My skin is redder than the parted sea. But, you think you get a piece of me? I'm out of your league, can't you see?...

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