So, I was thinking about what makes the most money as a writer, because my sim is in the writing career track, and I realized that blogging makes the most income.
Blogs make money every page view in ads, and might feature multiple ads per page. And, people will often reload the page over the years, such as to reread it. Also, people will spread the blog post around a lot better than recommending, or gifting books around, because it's free to read, and because it's so easy to share.
Well, book authors only get you to buy one $5-50 book per book written, usually once in your entire lifetime. Sure, book authors are more respected, and famous, but they can't make as much money as a blogger.
Also, bloggers make more money than article writers, too.
They even make more money than scriptwriters, whose media is purchased much more than a book, especially since far more people get a piece of the profit for a movie or show.
Book authors make more than scriptwriters, but blogging makes the most money overall.
Blogging also requires the least writing skill, though higher skill will award you more income.
So, why is Blogger the second job in the writing career track in The Sims 4, and why is it so little income throughout the career? It's the most high-paying writing job in existence.
I know journalists, and authors are more respected traditionally... But, they won't be in the future, because they make less money, and they have less reads.
So, if you're really into writing, I recommend you get into blogging for profit if you're actually any good at it. You could do it either as a hobby on the side of a day job if you can't get very much success (still bringing in extra income), or you could do it at a highly successful level if you're a good enough read.