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Song: Go To Hell

Updated: Jun 21, 2021

I'm beautiful, baby.

My skin is redder than the parted sea.

But, you think you get a piece of me?

I'm out of your league, can't you see?

I work for royalty,

So maybe you should flee.

To mess with me is to feel misery.

You should listen when I say, "No."

You should obey when I say, "Go."

Keep your hands off me,

Or you will cease to be.

Your attention is unwanted,

But I insist I shouldn't have hid.

I shouldn't have to be invisible

To avoid your insistent bull.

When I say, "No," you should go with the flow of it.

Don't throw a fit.

My beauty doesn't warrant ignoring rejection.

My color doesn't speak of sin.

Being out of your league doesn't make me your slave.

I'll get my master, and he'll teach you to behave.

To the fiery pits of Hell where none will hear your yell.

You'll be tried, found guilty, and executed for not listening to, "No."

There'll be no chance for you to say, "So."

Who taught you that you can tread on me?

Who taught you to bully be?

You push. You push. You push.

But, to it, I say, "Hush."

"Hush, my bully, don't you fit,

You'll not be with me no matter how lit you be."

Goodbye, you insistent no-goer.

I told you what would occur.

Now, on my day will go.

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