I was given a rescue inhaler a while back for a wheeze. Now, I'm waiting for a real asthma medication prescription to come in. At first, I was upset about the thought of being asthmatic, because it's negatively stereotyped. But, it's not that bad medication-wise. Using an inhaler is the easiest medical treatment I've ever been through. Though, I certainly don't like the bouts of having to sleep in a mask to not suffocate in my sleep. Or, the rarer cases of it being so bad I have to stay up till the allergen gets out of the air. But, it's not like I can cure myself of my allergy. My P.C.P. said the medicine will keep me from having bouts of trouble breathing, because it keeps the lungs free of inflammation over time.
The rescue inhaler? It's useless, because it just works briefly before your lungs re-inflame. You gotta put on a mask after it's use, or the usage was a waste.