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Song: Craving Humidity

I strike a pose like lightning,

While you're a mess fighting

Amongst your sorry selves.

Listen to my bells

As they chatter on my behalf.

You will know of my staff,

But not the one you hope for.

Some day, I'll gift you some downpour.

But, give me time to develop

Before you hold out your empty cups.

This desert has been so dry,

It's skies could do with a good cry

Of sweet, sweet relief, yeh.

I'm craving for some rainfall,

And this desert needs it, yuh know?

Trust me, I hear your call,

And could I answer it yet, I'd do it all aglow.

Sweet tears, how I crave you,

But you might have noticed I'm new.

So, though I crave humidity,

I must bow into humility,

Humbled by my pubescent age.

I stumble, and briefly fall,

And my voice often does stall.

I can see why some embarrass,

But I'm so proud of this.

I confidently enjoy every moment

Rather than getting bent out of shape.

I already have the cape

Waiting for my future progress,

Though I'm not going to obsess.

Some day, I'll answer your prayers.

Some day, I'll rain miracles.

I'll do it with my own flair.

Some day, I'll celebrate as the rain falls.

But, if you try to control my powers,

I'll strike you down.

Witchcraft is a societal curse.

Go ahead and frown;

In fact, drown in your bitter tears.

I'll teach you the rightful fears.

Don't think little of my years.

Take your spells, and kiss them goodbye,

The end of your cult is nigh.

I'm craving humidity, but know humility.

But, if you're patient, if you stay in dwelling here,

You'll eventually be drenched, let me make this clear.

I'm not a toy, I'm a rain god.

Don't objectify because I'm a boy.

Though, I know I've a great bod.

Respect my superiority,

Don't try to cast me down,

I'll make you drown, I'll make you cry,

Even if you don't understand why.

I stand tall in sexual equality,

And I'll not tolerate less, so let it be.

Some day, this Earth will know my loving caress,

I'll rain true, and they'll know my love, a gift from above,

Though it's Earthen-origined.

Smell that wet dirt,

My powers do flirt.

I must regularly flex my muscles

If I want to perform miracles.

Exercise is key, so let's active be.

Let's dance.

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