Sims 4 is supposed to be adding a degree of groceries realism that horribly lacked utterly so far, according to
They say they're removing the AWFUL, magical buying of ingredients to cook as you go to cook, and are now going to require you to buy your groceries from a grocery stand, which does delivery like RL grocery stores. Though, it's still irritatingly unrealistic that it's a STAND instead of a supermarket.
I liked the concept of going grocery shopping in The Sims 3, but I never bothered to do it, because the magic ingredient buying worked just fine, and because I used to be much more of a shut-in by nature, and didn't do grocery shopping. But, in The Sims 4, it irritates me that you can't grocery shop at all, even if I didn't bother to do it in 3 when the option was there. Grocery shopping is a basic need in life, and an important once/twice/thrice a week chore. I want to experience my sims grocery shopping. And, I don't want it to be a rabbit-hole like in 3.
Hopefully, 5, or 6 will feature more realistic of grocery shopping.
Though, for that matter, they make 1-4 of Sims go by TOO FAST at normal speed to do quick tasks quickly, making things like brushing teeth, and changing clothes take 1+ hours. That's not realistic at all. It takes far too long in the sim's day to do quick tasks. So, hopefully, they'll make Sims 5 a little slower per day so they can do more in a day, and so they're quick tasks are quicker in the day. I still want it to go by fast, just not THIS fast. An hour+ to brush your teeth??? An hour+ to change clothes??? It's ridiculous.
And, they don't have enough free time in The Sims 4 when they have real jobs. The days are too short & fast-going for them to do much of anything with their free time.
Anyways, I'm hoping, they really do add grocery shopping, including with a delivery option in The Sims 4 with Cottage Living. But, the delivery option better not be free! There's too many free things in The Sims 4, and 3! They should be buying their clothes, like they used to! I HATE free clothes. It's SO unrealistic, and you can pick VERY expensive wardrobes for free, at that. It's ridiculous.
Hopefully 5 will bring back having to buy clothes per individual piece of clothing.