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How To Write With Tarot

Personally, I ask the fate god/angel what the canon character/figure would do in a one card draw on this site: Then, I ask yes or no questions in a second tab of the same one card tarot draw of what the fate god means to tell me the character is doing. It's usually based on the picture on the first card, but sometimes it's in the interpretation word list, or the card's name. And, I ask the yes or no question of whether or not the character/figure would be verbally communicating something. If it's a yes, I ask in another one card draw what the verbal communication is. The answer is usually one of the interpretive word list answers, but sometimes is the card name, or even could be a word to describe the picture you could easily thin of. You can even get a sentence by asking word for word. But, it's very important that you use multiple browser tabs, so you can keep looking at the card of what the character is doing or saying, then asking in a second browser yes or no of what it is. So, you don't forget the possible answers of the first tab's question to ask if are the intended answer in the second tab's yes or no questions. For yes or no questions, positive cards are yeses, and negative cards are nos. If you're not very familiar with Tarot at first, you'll get the hang of it over time. The site's free, getting it's revenue from ads on the pages, so don't worry about taking a lot of card draws to get good at it. Only assign characters you don't want to control to the fate god(s)/angel(s) on other side of the Tarot readings. If you find that your fate god/angel isn't very good with a character/figure, maybe try handling that one yourself.

If you share a Tarot story, you should, please, remember to tell people you did so. If you lie that you wrote the entire thing, it will probably not go down well with the fate god/angel who co-wrote with you.

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