The Base Game needs 6 different voices, 3 male, and 3 female, ranging from more feminine to more masculine. No special accents, like valleygirl in these ones, unlike Sims 4's base game voices.
Release a new set of voices every expansion pack, game pack, and stuff pack that range from feminine to masculine, but that have unique ways of talking, such as valley girl, and southern belle. Make these "flavored" versions of the six voices match the pack they're in.
Release at least one new musical instrument with 0-10 skill possibility in it every single expansion, game, and stuff pack. Or, alternatively, put out a unique musical instrument with matching skill every month the game is given content as a Kit Pack.
Do an occult Sim kit pack every 1-to-3 months the game is given new content. If enough people buy a specific occult sim kit pack, you should release a stuff and/or game pack just for that occult to go with the kit pack.
Important musical instruments to include: Microphone (singing), Guitar & Bass Guitar (both acoustic & electric), Drums, Keyboard & Piano, Violin & Fiddle, Banjo, Pipe Organ & Electric Organ, Ukulele, Saxophone, Trumpet, Flute, Accordion, Pipa & Biwa, Shamisen, Harp, Zither, Handpans (Individual, Pair, or Full Set), Steel Drums, Bandurria, Morin Khuur, (Star Wars) Xantha & Mandolin, (Star Wars) Nalargon, (Star Wars) Bandfill & Omni Box, Singing Bowls
Do an Entertainer career pack: Singer (singing skill, and charisma), Musician (any instrument levels 0-10, and charisma levels 0-10), Dancer (dance skill, & charisma), Comedian (comedy skill, & charisma), & Actor (Acting skill, and dabbling in various other skills to convincingly seem to do the skill). These careers should be stackable on top of eachother to get paid extra for extra skills during performances. These careers should not require college, though having college in these should increase the pay, and fame. There should be a Music Camp (summer camp), and a Drama Camp (summer camp).
Doctor, Nurse, Dentist, Optometrist, & Psychiatrist should be together in a pack, and should require college.
Include college (and the Education career) BASE GAME, then make jobs that require college in real life just add into the existing base game college's major offerings.
Archeologist, Philosopher, Astrologer, Scientist, Engineer, & Shipwright/Rocket Scientist should go together in a pack, and should require college (except Astrologer, but college should increase pay & fame). The pack should also give Science Camp (summer camp). The Archeology career should have a chance of dying, and should give chance to go away for field expeditions.
Army, Navy, Air Force, & Space Force should go together in a pack, and should not require college, but should require a boot type camp instead. The same pack should include Military School, Space Camp (summer camp), cliche Summer Camp (with things like kayaking, and learning to rescue a drowning person), & Scouts (both Boy & Girl). There should be a risk of dying in these careers, and a chance of going away for a while for work.
Police, Detective, Law, & Crime should go together in a pack.
In the seasons expansion pack, kids should be out of school during the summer for summer vacation, unless they go to summer school to improve their grades.
Give the 7-12 grades (Teen Life Stage) required credits, like the college in Sims 3. & give them exams at the end of every semester, too.
Athlete, and Cheerleader careers should have a pack of their own that gives content for lots of sports, including fooseball, not just real football.
There should be a gaming pack that adds more games, arcade games, tabletop games, and arcades.
Writing, the writer careers (Author, & Journalist), and activities evolving around writing/typing should be present since the BASE GAME, because they don't have enough content for a pack.
Internet activities should include using forums, roleplaying in forums, roleplaying in games, roleplaying in messengers, roleplaying in status updates, blogging, writing fanfiction, using a dating site (with option to pay the game's dating site to enhance the dating site experience, adding to your bills).
Include disability benefits if you're going to put disabilities such as Gloomy, and Erratic in the game, for fryk's sake!
There should be a lot of personality traits, like in Sims 3. And, there should be at least 5 traits without completing college. But, completing college courses should again add to personality traits.
Instead of limiting us to 20 likes & dislikes total, make us rate EVERY basic color, basic décor style, every basic fashion style, every food type, every music genre, and every hobby & interest individually from strongly love to strongly hate.
Give us as many Talents as you give us of Personality Traits to pick from. Talents will be skills the sim excels at, and is a natural in.
Make sims have to pick between highly jealous/closed, and highly polyamorous/open, with options inbetween as they select turn ons, and turn offs.
Let people have as many boyfriends/girlfriends as they want of who agrees. But, retain monogamy vs. polygamy norms in the game of the time, to not be a taboo game.
Give us an illness pack that includes WTDs, both curable, and permanent that can kill the sim, to remind people of the risk. Rhinovirus, and Influenza must be included. In fact, put this in the pack with the medical professions.
Make Sims have to go shopping, or use grocery delivery to get their groceries. Give cheap food options, and pricey food options. Give name brand, and generic brand options (do this in medicine, too).
Bring back having to buy, or make clothes to wear them! And, make expensive clothing, such as vicuna, silk, angora, Egyptian cotton, chinchilla, etc. actually be expensive! Stop handing pricey clothes to broke sims for free! Ever since they removed buying clothes, I've been irritated by it.
Give the poor a free, household smartphone, but make the sims with enough money have to pay for their phone & it's service. The paid for phone & phone service should be better quality, and less limited in possible uses.
Make internet be free to the poor, but cost money by those with higher incomes. The paid for internet should be better quality.
Reduce the bills of the disabled as apart of the disability pack.
Put child support in the game.
Give us disabilities, and don't count them as personality traits, and make them gainable after sim creation. Don't forget disability benefits.
How To Make A Better Sims Game
Updated: Jul 7, 2021