Azazel has his right knee raised, his shoe being on the chair in a doctor's office. "Tell me what I know."
Stargazer's seated half-lotus on her chair, and Mystique's got her right ankle on her left kneecap.
"Contrary to what everyone likely expected..." The doctor says, sounding like Ludwig Von Drake, from behind his computer desk. "You are not related to the girl. Sorry. Woman."
"Woman?" Stargazer questions, steeped in anxiety.
"Oh, did I not tell you that already back in the office? I mean, the work in progress office, with the patient table?"
"No. You didn't really tell me much. You just kind of went, "Uh-huh.""
"Oh. Well, Stargazer, you're old enough to drink alcohol. And, he is not your father." The doctor stares at Azazel for a moment, for being totally unsurprised, in contrast to Mystique's confused face. "You expected it to be negative?"
"Well, you see, she has a heart tip. And, I have a rocketship tip. And, I expect only one of her parents to carry to have a tail. And, she has tachycardia. And, she's white. So, I just figured that she's from Gambit's family."
Stargazer gulps.
"I remember now! Stargazer, you cad! I mean... What do you call a cheeky woman?" The doctor gets lost in thought at his own question.
"A vixen?" Tries Mystique.
"I suppose that works. Stargazer. Do you not recall I was saying, "Uh-huh," to what you were saying? About being a woman in your heart, and mind, and how you absolutely want to be a grown up through and through?"
They look at Stargazer.
"I didn't bribe you to say I'm legal for alcohol, if that's what you're trying to claim."
"No, Madame."
Mystique: "Madame?"
"Err... Miss. I'm saying... I was agreeing that you're a woman."
"Well, that wasn't clear at all. I just thought you were letting me know you're listening as you didn't listen. You seemed pretty preoccupied with my pelvis."
Azazel laughs.
Mystique: "I'm officially creeped out. And, I'm relatively battlehardened."
The doctor: "Well, I'm not that old. And, I did see you looking today at a man old enough to be your ancestor..."
Stargazer: "Don't you dare claim that I was looking at some old man amorously!"
Azazel: "I want a second opinion about her age."
Mystique: "Preferably from a straight, homophobic woman."
The doctor hands them print outs of the test results, "I happen to know some straight, homophobic female doctors who would definitely concur..."
Azazel: "I'll be changing my family doctor after this. And... I won't be trusting your friends."
The doctor says as they get up, and leave with the copies of the test results, "You'll be back. I'll see you again soon for your yearly checkup, Azazel."
Azazel hands the paperwork to Mystique, then puts left arm around Stargazer, and right around Mystique as they leave, comforting them. "Will this Nightmare ever end?"
Post Time: 3:36 Am - 10/8/2021
((One of the tests done on age is a pelvic exam age test. The doctor did a pelvic exam age test to see if she is an adolescent.))