Azazel's sitting in a large, high-backed chair that's reminiscent of a throne, and that makes him look small. He raises his hands in front of him, bringing his fingertips together from his pinkies to his thumbs. "So, you're saying you got this I.D. from the DMV?"
"I'm thirty-five!" Jeannette whines back, still quiet. She makes pleading hands at him, "Please, believe me that someone stole my I.D., replacing it."
"Did this happen tonight?"
Her brows furrow in plea as she answers, "No. I noticed it a while back. But, they committed me over my telepathy, and false diagnosed me a paranoid schizophrenic. So, were I to bring it up, I'd be put back in the hospital."
Raven says through the glow of a laptop screen from a corner in the room, wearing her iconic white loincloth dress, "She is diagnosed. And, she is thirty-five." Her voice crackles, and sparks like an electronic.
Azazel: "Are you truly her? This woman named after Jean Gray?"
Azazel gets up, and walks over to Jeannette, as her mouth opens slightly, showing rabbitish front teeth. He looms over her. She's so dainty next to him. After staring at her for a moment, he looks over her person, looking for something. He takes off her glasses, looking at her face, then looks over the glasses after. He goes back to his chair, continuing to check out the glasses.
After returned to sitting on his throne, Azazel holds the glasses up on his right palm for Raven, "Check Stark Industries' models."
Post Time: 9:50 AM - 10/7/2021